Kelsey Beth
God damn… where do I even begin to tell you about myself?
I’ve lived a pretty incredible life. Travelled all over the world, lived in 6 different countries before I turned 30, I speak 2 languages.
Creativity coming out the wazoo over here. Whether its learning instruments, painting, acting, or literally any other medium that wants to come through… know that when you come into my field you’ll be inspired to be more authentic, creative, and confident to be as cookoo for cocoa puffs as I believe everyone naturally is.
Attempting to be “normal” is a sure ticket to Sucktown and I want no part of it.
Not to mention there is no such thing as “normal”.
Normal is a construct created by a system of oppression to keep people in a state of constant fear.
Basically, dead people walking.
Okay, back to me now.
In my early teens and 20’s, I learned how to lose any semblance of what I thought was reality with drugs and alcohol.
Before you go thinking this was something negative, quite the contrary.
It taught me street skills and how to get myself out of some pretty sticky situations.
Like when I took too much LSD and lost all grasp on reality, didn’t know which way was up or down, forgot my parents names.
Or the times I woke up in unrecognizable places with no phone, no wallet, and sometimes no clothes.
Or the time I took so many drugs I was convinced I had turned into a fat old asian man… that ones actually a pretty funny story.
I learned pretty quickly how God, my ancestors, and spirit guides got me no matter what.
The amount of crazy scenarios I’ve been in and managed to get out, not only alive, but also with an air of positivity…
…that’s God’s magic.
Shame, guilt, or self doubt weren’t regulars at my subconscious table. Usually, I brushed it off and took it all as a learning experience.
I used to think finding humor in my traumatic experiences were really f*cked up and insensitive.
Now, I see it as the ultimate gift Gods given me.
At the age of 27, I got sober and dove into personal development.
From Tony Robbins to Mayan medicine keepers in the jungle, I learned from all different types of healers, musicians, mentors, shamans, and coaches.
Shadow work, or going deeper into my own subconscious muck, didn’t freak me out.
Which is one of the main reasons I support people - I know how good it can be and I desire more people to live their lives as they want to.
It’s such a disservice to human kind, to live only out of obligation and expectation.