be the master of your cock
One of my clients can go for hours and hours without ejaculating.
He’s never had a problem in that department, but I do work with others on the other side of the coin...
This article is for you if you need some advice in lasting longer.
My client, the one who can go for hours, referred to himself as the master and his cock the servant.
The master knows he’s in charge.
The servant knows they’re here to be subservient and WANTS to do everything to serve its master.
A lot of the stereotypical ideas of what it means to be a master are totally distorted and downright oppressive.
While listening to my client, there was none of that.
I smiled and got all tingly inside as I felt the love for his servant cock.
He takes care of it, gives it what it needs.
He nourishes and listens to his cock.
In return, his cock will do anything to please him, it’s so well taken care of.
Now… if you’d like to be the type of master who’s a total hard ass and condescending, go for it.
But I can probably guess if you’re reading this article, that’s not the kind of master your cock is yearning for.
If you've been a hard ass, maybe your cock is exhausted.
Maybe your cock is a little bitter.
Like a teenager, it's been rebelling.
It’s time to start taking better care of your cock so it wants to give you everything.
Pour love into your cock.
Nourish your cock with good foods and healthy environments.
If you’re looking for a specific practice to follow:
Next time you masturbate, put 20 minutes on an alarm and have no intention to ejaculate.
Be with your cock, start engaging with him differently than ever before.
Go slower than you’ve ever gone.
See if you can slow down even more.
Massage in and around your cock, feel into the areas you haven’t touched in a while.
The sides of your pelvis and inner thighs, perineum, testicles.
Close your eyes and breathe into the sensations you’re feeling.
If you end up ejaculating, wonderful!
But this isn’t the end game.
The game is to turn on your listening skills.
Listen to your cock, take in the messages of what your body is telling you.
When you’re more connected to your cock, everything in your life shifts.
You’re able to make love longer, yes of course.
But it’s more than that.
Both your inner and outer world are calm.
Your work life shifts for the better.
You’re more present with your intimate partner.
You have more space to nourish your friend and family relationships.
Your cock is no longer screaming at you to take care of him.
Both your cups are full.
(Deep breath)
Have fun with your cock.