disney princess hoo haa

The whole Disney princess “Happily Ever After” fiasco has got to go. 

I don’t care what gender you associate with, the thought that ANYONE has to wait for our knight in shining armor to kiss us and live happily ever after is pure bullshit. 

We didn’t come to Earth to only experience happily ever after, to be “happy” for the rest of our lives. We came to experience all the flavors of our life force energy. This includes shame, guilt, despair, pleasure, joy, fear, love… and so on. 

Scarcity is not just about how much money is in your bank account. 

Scarcity is a mindset that can be attributed to everything in your life when you live in scarcity. For example, thinking there’s NO ONE else out there for you but the person whom you just ended your relationship with. You’re going to be forever alone, for the rest of your life, because you ended your relationship with someone you no longer resonate with.

Maybe for you it’s a job, thinking you have to stay in a job you despise because that’s all you’ve got available to you, or so you think.

Scarcity is in any situation when you’re thinking “this is the best it’s gonna be”. What you’re really telling God is that you’re unable to open yourself up to other opportunities that are wanting to experience themselves in your being.

In scarcity, there’s no room for imagination. It’s living in a constant state of contraction, it’s not using your imagination to guide and expand you. The imagination has become obsolete. 

The next thing that comes up for me when I read that question is this,

Society has really fucked with our psyches in terms of how to end relationships.

This is mostly because death hasn’t been normalized in the Western world, we haven’t learned how to grieve the death of… well… anything.

A relationship is a space of co-creation, a newness that is born into existence that didn’t exist before, like a newborn baby.

When something is born, it must be cared for and loved. It’s beautiful when we begin these experiences of newness… the relationship itself takes on its own identity and personality, told through the perspectives of those participating in the relationship. 

Then, like all things, it eventually dies. Those participating in the relationship are required to grieve, move through the grief in its entirety… 

Experiencing the flavor of grief is beautiful, it’s part of your greater life force energy.


Whenever I rollerblade, there are times when I fall flat on my ass. Other times, I am smooth sailing. 

I’ve been able to conduct my very own first hand rollerblading research regarding this.

What I realized is,

When I lose my balance and try to hold onto something, like a tree branch, I fall.

What do my rollerblades do? They keep going, they don’t stop.

What do I do? I fall flat on my back or on my ass, the rollerblades come out from under me.

Lying flat on my back, heaving and gasping for air, totally and completely winded. 

When I try and grab onto the branch, I fall flat on my ass.

When I don’t grab onto anything and let the imbalance recalibrate itself, I regain my balance and continue moving effortlessly and easily.

Alas! My rollerblades have led me to quite the metaphor for life and letting go…

When I let go of the fear, I glide. When I hold onto the fear, I fall on my ass.


Now I feel adequate to answer the question with more questions, there is no one size fits all answer to anything after all… 

What is your intention with continuing the communication…

Is communicating with your ex going to help you let go and expand, or is it going to contract you as you continue to hold onto something that isn’t in your highest? 

Are you holding onto it because you are scared of what’s on the other side of death? 

Are you fearful of falling, so you’re holding on for dear life?

Are you not trusting yourself, your ability to let go, and the path that has been set out before you?

These are questions for you to answer, not me. 



a poem about yoni massage…


Squirting ketchup & a dry vagina