Tantric Lineages 101
There are different lineages within Tantra from different parts of the world, this is just to help you decipher each one.
NOTE: this is absolutely NOT all there is to Tantra, but a very brief outline to get you started.
Egyptian Sacred Sexuality
Originated in Egypt.
Temples of Isis filled with “High Priestesses”.
Prostitutes and sex workers were viewed in the highest regard, sex and orgasms were sacred and honored.
Sex was a ceremonial experience filled with rituals and intentions.
Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary studied and practiced at the Temple of Isis in Egypt and were respected High Priestesses.
Mother Mary was called the “Virgin Mary” because she attained the highest connection with God at the Temple of Isis. She was extremely devoted in her practice and thus seen as an ethereal Godlike being.
Mary Magdalene and Jesus practiced Sacred Sexuality, this is how Jesus attained such states of elevated consciousness.
Tantric Yoga
Originated in India.
Use of movement, meditation, and breath to achieve states of “Samadhi” or divine conscious awareness.
How to attain Samadhi? Through mantras (words), yantras (sacred geometry), pranayama (breath).
Those who practice Tantra are called “Tantrikas”.
Suspension of the breath is used to alter states of consciousness as well as retention of a penis’s semen.
Tantric Yoga often illustrates the importance of holding in the semen for penis owners as to cultivate more energy within the body and experience body energetic orgasms.
Tantra is a type of meditation rather than a hedonistic practice of pleasure. It’s surrounded around the practice of cultivating a deep state of separation from the perception of time and space.
Sex is viewed as multiple hours of deeper states of heightened consciousness rather than goal pleasure oriented. Pleasure happens naturally through spiritual awakened states.
Enlightenment is the key here, as with all the other forms of Tantra. Spiritual insight and awareness.
Originated in China.
At the same time Taoism originated, Confucianism was also popular throughout China.
Confucianism was taught as a much more mental, rules and regulations to live by where Taoism was all about spiritual illumination through ethereal states of being.
Mental stillness is a vital aspect of Taoism. This is attained through meditation and the cultivation of “chi”.
Chi is life force energy which can be cultivated whilst in nature and through stillness.
Yin and Yang energy - the balance of masculine and feminine within the body.
Tibetan Buddhist Tantra
Originated in Tibet .
Yeshe Tsogyal was the “Mother of Buddhism” and brought many of the Tantric Buddhist teachings to Tibet, she practiced closely with Padmasambhava who brought Buddhism to Tibet. The two have many stories told of their relationship being almost God like - they spent a lot of time in the mountains practicing these Tantric Buddhist techniques and would teach royals and people of high spiritual caliber these Tantric ways.
Practices and techniques to achieve “Buddhahood” - to come back to and experience emptiness.
Practicing emptiness and devoting oneself to emptying one’s thoughts and desires brings about states of pure joy and bliss.
Bodhicitta or “Buddha Mind” is the ultimate state of emptiness that leads to bliss. Tantric Buddhists are always coming back to the state of bliss through emptiness.
But… sometimes we as humans get lost in “Samsara” or the illusion of all the crap in the world. Buddhism talks about this a lot as a mere illusion. The illusion of suffering.
Different Colors of Tantra
When Googling “Tantra”, you’ll most likely come across the different colors associated with different Tantric practices. The white, red, pink and black originated from India and was a helpful guide for people when entering the realm of Tantra.
It gives boundaries to what your intention with Tantra is… what you desire to practice Tantra for.
Intention: to purify oneself through spiritual connection of mind, body, soul.
Basics of White Tantra:
Getting into your body through movement, yoga, dance, breathwork.
Kundalini Yoga is a great option for practicing white Tantra.
Mirror work is a great way to begin connecting with yourself.
Deep spiritual connection through sexual union. You don't have to be in partnership, you can practice red Tantra by yourself.
Basics of Red Tantra:
Start a regular pleasure practice (by yourself or with a partner).
Set the intention to connect deeper than you’ve ever connected and see how that intention plays out in the physical realm.
Follow the rhythm of your body, go slower than your mind tells you to go, allow your body to navigate where it desires to go.
Play with your breath and sound - these two are the best ways to get your body moving into an orgasmic state.
Where red and white merge, connection with the heart is the main focus
Basics of Pink Tantra:
Always go back to your heart, listen and tune into what your heart is telling you to do.
Sex is not the object of desire here, it’s to feel the sexual energy without penetration at all (it’s totally possible).
Breathe in and out through your genitals, practice moving that energy around your body, repeat over and over again until you start to feel it.
To manipulate and manifest things in the 3D through sex magick.
Basics of Black Tantra:
First of all, black Tantra gets a bit of a bad reputation because of the stereotype that black means dark and dark means evil. This is not the case.
Black Tantra doesn’t have as much information because it was mostly studied behind closed doors under close supervision and practiced within deeply intentional containers.
This is because sex magick is EXTREMELY POWERFUL. When you set an intention to create something in the 3D and use your orgasm to cast that prayer out into the world… it’s like setting off a spoken mantra into the world, but 1000+++ times stronger.
I don’t say this to scare you, but to be intentional with who you do these practices with and what you desire to call into your existence.
That being said, sex magick is so much fun. You get to play in the realm of infinite possibilities, put something into the universe with your orgasm and watch it unfold as it’s meant to.