The Significance of Spiritual Guidance

In this post, I’m going to tell you a bit more about what my take on spiritual guidance is and why you should give a f*ck about elevating your spirit. How elevating your spirit can (and will) elevate all aspects of your life.

If you’re perturbed by any and all things “woo woo” or the word “f*ck”, I’d suggest you leave this page. 

But… if you’re curious about what I’m about to share, please, be my guest and read on. 

Why Go on a Spiritual Journey?

I have a belief system. 

My belief is that, if you’re living a life full of struggle and deeply unhappy, you’re lacking a relationship to God/Spirit/The Universe. 

Any of those names will suffice, what I really mean is - a relationship to something higher than your humanness. 

This is different from some people who don’t at all believe in God, an atheist. 

Some atheists I know aren’t struggling. 

They’ve accepted their belief, and thus walk with a bit of contentment in their step.

As for the unhappy and struggling person, there is no contentment in their step. 

Instead, there’s confusion with their relationship to self, others, and the world around them.

More strife, struggle, and unhappiness is created in the absence of gratitude, pleasure and liberation. 

People choose to go on a spiritual journey because their life isn’t what they thought it was going to be. 

There’s something more, but they don’t know what it is or how to experience it. 

Your spiritual journey is like a voyage of self-discovery. 

It's a quest to understand your life and connect with something higher than yourself. 

Your spiritual journey helps you remember your connection with God. 

And it’s that connection with God that brings more vitality and aliveness into your human experience.

Understanding Spiritual Guidance

As for myself, I couldn’t live in this world without a connection to God. 

It’s this connection to God that has grounded me in chaos, held me in uncertainty, nourished me when I felt unsafe… 

…my connection to God has become the epitome of me living a fulfilled and juicy life. 

However, I haven’t done my spiritual journey by myself.

I’ve been supported by gurus, shamans, plant medicine keepers, energy workers, coaches, you name it. 

Each one a piece to the puzzle of my spiritual journey, helping me illuminate my way back to a higher consciousness. 

They offer insight, support, and a safe space to explore my inner world.

I’ve gone down my fair share of spiritual rabbit holes and my mentors have always brought me into a deeper connection with myself and the world around me. 

Aka, a deeper connection to God. 

The Role of a Spiritual Guide

Your spiritual journey isn't just about understanding the cosmos; it's also about unraveling the enigma of your soul. 

Think of a spiritual guide as a companion on your spiritual journey, helping you navigate the uncharted territory of your subconscious.

WTF does that even mean?

Unraveling the enigma of your soul? 

Navigate the uncharted territory of your subconscious?

Sounds crazy, right?

But it’s for real. 

The most amazing spiritual guides I’ve had thus far are the ones who aren’t scared to go there.

I mean reallllllly go there… the uncharted stuff that’s locked up in your own subconscious closet. 

They’re there to help you get out of your victimhood and become the victor of your experience. 

The best spiritual guide is the one who supports you, but doesn’t tell you what to do. 

Because YOU are the only one who realllllllly knows what’s best for you. 

Instead of telling you what to do, they guide you back to yourself over and over again. 

They help you figure it out this crazy life thing while you own responsibility for your actions. 

As the knots start to become undone, you start to uncover and unlock the true beauty of this world we’re in. 

Chaos doesn’t necessarily become null and void, but your relationship to it does. 

Broadening Perspectives

In my world, variety is the f*cking spice of life. 

That’s why I’ve had so many different spiritual guides - to help me see different perspectives. 

In your spiritual journey, different perspectives are like windows to the divine, to God. 

Each perspective offers a unique view of the spiritual landscape. 

Your spiritual guide provides their wisdom, offering alternative viewpoints and expanded horizons. 

They’ll inspire you to look beyond your limited perspective and view the spiritual journey from different angles.

These fresh perspectives can shift your consciousness and allow you to see the world in a completely new light. 

Ready to Take Action?

Have you considered the need for guidance on this path?

If you’re still reading this, reach out to me. 

As a spiritual mentor, I’m here to help you navigate the path towards God. 

I’m here to help you remember who the f*ck you are, how to experience the ups and downs of life without going crazy, how to remember God is with you every moment of it all. 

Your spiritual journey is a profound adventure. 

Embrace the wisdom of those who have walked the path before you, and remember that in the grand scheme of spirituality, you are a unique and essential part of the divine plan.


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