Unlocking the Secrets to Having Multiple Orgasms: The Importance of Breath and Sound

Let’s talk about multiple orgasms.

You might have heard about it, or maybe it feels like one of those far far away dreams that’s not achievable.

Before I even begin to discuss the steps it takes to having multiple orgasms, I need to make one thing clear first…

…this isn’t actually a step-by-step type process.  

There’s no one size fits all here. Everyone’s body will interact with having multiple orgasms differently.

We’re all so cosmically diverse and different. What works for one isn’t going to work for all.

What I ask from you is that you listen to and have patience with your body.


It’s patience that has allowed my clients to experience multiple orgasms. Patience allowed them to surrender into the experience, to relax the body so the multiple orgasms could happen naturally.

For each one of them, the multiorgasmic process happened naturally, without them doing anything. Without them thinking about it. They surrendered into the experience of love making and there it was.

It’s like in nature when you’re planting a seed. You don’t just sit around looking at it all day and night, waiting for the plant to start popping out of the ground. You water it and then let it be.

In this blog post, I’ll go over some of the best practices for having multiple orgasms. I’m going to tell you the main seeds to plant - breath, sound, movement, and slowness. Once those seeds are planted, it’s your responsibility to keep watering your multiorgasmic plant body. But most importantly, let it be and let it go. Don’t wait or watch for it.


Breathe Deep into Your Body for Multiple Orgasms

Breath is the foundation of all good sex.

Not only that, but it’s the foundation of being alive. We literally wouldn’t be able to live without breath.

Take some deep breaths, slow and steady. This will help you stay relaxed and focused during sex, which is essential for experiencing multiple orgasms.

Also, don’t practice breathing based on 99% of all porn that’s out there. Most porn stars aren’t breathing deep enough to have multiple orgasms.

Their breath is short, shallow, it only feeds into the upper diaphragm.

Take a couple moments to do so now, and once you’re a few breaths in, breathe even deeper.

Go for longer, slower breaths.

Drop your shoulders down, relax your jaw, and breathe deep. 

Feel your body recalibrate to a new state of peacefulness.  

Feel the relaxation overcome your nervous system.  

When you take slow, deep breaths during sex, you send a signal to your brain that you’re in a safe environment. This is absolutely pivotal for multiple orgasms - to feel safe in the body.

Slow breathing helps to calm your nervous system and lower your heart rate, creating a more peaceful and intimate experience.

Deep breathing allows more oxygen to flow into your bloodstream, increasing blood flow to your genital area and enhancing your sexual response.  

By taking slow, deep breaths, you can slow down your arousal and elongate orgasm.

Remember: breathe.

Make Sound and Reclaim your Orgasmic Self  

Sound is by far the most difficult concept for my clients to engage in.

All the stories of what will your partner think start to come up, fear of being judged start to arise. Heaven forbid you look silly in the bedroom.

Not to mention all the people on this planet who have been silenced in one way or another by family, society, friends, etc.

Even in our school system, children must raise their hand in order to make sound and speak their mind.

I’m going to really challenge you with this one - MAKE SOUND.

Yes, moaning, whimpering, laughing, crying, whatever floats your boat. Making sounds during sex can help you stay present in your body and connected to your partner.

When you make noise, you stimulate your body's natural pleasure response, which can intensify your physical sensations and help you to fully immerse yourself in the experience.

For men specifically, sound is one of the most powerful tools to use when learning to separate your ejaculation from orgasm… aka having multiple full body orgasms.

Stop thinking about whether or not your partner thinks you’re a weirdo. Also, if your partner thinks you’re a weirdo and is uncomfortable with your authentic expression… maybe that partner isn’t for you?

Choosing your authentic partnership is another topic for another blog post, but I cannot emphasize enough the importance of making sound.

It’s time to reclaim your voice and make the sounds.  

Lemme spiritually break this down a bit more for you: making sound truly is a reclamation of yourself.

By making sound in the bedroom, you’re creating ripples of energy through sound vibration. These waves hold a specific frequency.

When you let out that sound, you’re sending the energy out of your body. When it gets let go from the body, there’s empty space that’s left.

This, my love, is the ticket to having multiple orgasms.

Make the sounds, let go of the stagnant energies you’ve been holding onto so that you can create new memories in your body of pleasure.

And there you have it, voila! You have let go and let God in-between your legs.


The Key to Sexual Pleasure: Embracing the Power of Slowing Down


Personifying Your Genitals: A Powerful Approach to Body Acceptance