The Significance of Spiritual Guidance
How elevating your spirit with spiritual guidance can (and will) elevate all aspects of your life.
Tips on How to Find the Right Spiritual Healer
The right spiritual healer can be a cherished companion on your journey to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Quantum Energy Healing Explained
Quantum Energy Healing is an invitation to explore a dimension of well-being that's as awe-inspiring as the night sky.
Shifting Perspectives: From 'I Hate Men' to Healing Love
I recently posted on Instagram about how women are collectively in an “I hate men” club, sometimes without even realizing it.
The Power of Spiritual Guidance: Finding your Path
Ready to explore the transformative journey of spiritual guidance? I invite you to take the first step.
Why Setting Boundaries is Important
Let's support each other on this journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and setting boundaries. Together, we can rewrite our stories.
My Journey: From SEX worker to Intimacy Coaching
Do you have secrets you’ve been scared to be judged and ostracized for? In my intimacy coaching practice, it has been an honor to be a safety net for you to relinquish the lump in your throat.
You Are the Love of Your Life: Embracing Self-Responsibility for Intimacy
As an intimacy coach, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Building Confidence in the Bedroom: Overcoming Insecurities
building confidence in the bedroom
The Key to Sexual Pleasure: Embracing the Power of Slowing Down
Discover the key to experiencing sexual pleasure by prioritizing safety and relaxation in your body. Find out how slowing down, disconnecting from electronics, and practicing mindfulness can enhance your sexual experiences and unlock a more fulfilling, orgasmic life.
Unlocking the Secrets to Having Multiple Orgasms: The Importance of Breath and Sound
Let’s talk about the best practices for having multiple orgasms. I’m going to tell you the main seeds to plant - breath, sound, movement, and slowness.
Personifying Your Genitals: A Powerful Approach to Body Acceptance
Loving your body is a journey, not a destination. The more you practice body acceptance and positivity, the easier it will become to love yourself just the way you are.